Baby Bjorn Pink Potty Chair
With its high back support and comfortable armrests, the BABYBJöRN Potty Chair is a comfy armchair for your child and a good place to start a lifewithout diapers. Its ergonomic design offers lots of legroom. The innerpotty has a high splashguard and is easy to remove, empty and clean. The BABYBJöRN Potty Chair has soft shapes, because sitting on the potty should be a comfortable experience.
The BabyBjorn Potty Chair is sturdy and ergonomic with smooth edges, a high backrest and comfortable armrests to ensure that your child sits comfortably. It is easy to empty and clean and will rest firmly on the floor, even if your child moves about.
- Sturdy and comfortable with a backrest.
- Plenty of room for legs makes it easy to sit down and stand up
- Easy to remove and clean inner potty
- Splashguard prevents spills
- BPA-free plastic
About BabyBjörn/p>
BabyBjörn is a Swedish family-owned business started in 1961 by Björn and Lillemor Jakobson. Today we are located in 50 countries throughout the world. Our headquarters are in Stockholm, where 40 employees work in the areas of product development, sales and design. Our logistics and quality center is in Lanna, in Smöland, and consists of 60 employees.
Björn and Lillemor are still active in the family business, as Chair of the Board and Creative Director, respectively.