[Buggy love] Stroller cleaning kit - Gemgem  - 1
[Buggy love] Stroller cleaning kit - Gemgem  - 1
[Buggy love] Stroller cleaning kit - Gemgem  - 2

[Buggy love] Stroller cleaning kit

  • FRESHLOVE 8 oz. of exotic, delicious, pure, organic rosehip scented spray solution for all over re-freshening.
  • POLISHLOVE 8 oz. of crisp, organic tangerine scented solution for cleaning dirt and grime from stroller frames and wheels.
  • FABRICLOVE See ya' milk and formula stains! 4 oz. of refreshing, organic Clementine scented solution for universal use on stroller surfaces & fabrics.
  • WHEELLOVE 1 oz. of the first-ever, all-natural, stroller wheel lube that eliminates squeaks and squeals
  • Brush and cloth included

About BuggyLOVE

Why BuggyLOVE? In response to the blatant industry green washing and prevalent, misleading labeling practices, BuggyLOVE has chosen to refuse the use of logos on our labels that have nothing to do with the authentic, sustainable principals of organic growing and processing methodologies.